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Love yourself and just make the damn bed.

Ladies, seriously. It sounds so simple and stupid. I know some mornings you have not the energy nor the inclination. I mean you're just going to be crawling back in it tonight, and you seem to be the only one around this joint that cares if it's made, anyhow. But just make it. Do it anyway. You know why? It's a small little victory. Every day, we need small victories. If that means today's victory is that you took the time to make the bed, that's awesome and you've earned a great big gold star. No sarcasm there, only love, ladies. You have to appreciate your own dedication to the little things, to your sheer determination to not let the tiredness/ mental fog/ anxiety/ whatever is plaguing your beautiful mind, win. Not today, Satan. Personally, when I overcome that initial "ugh, God, I hate making this stupid bed every morning, it doesn't matter to anyone but me, why am I even bothering, the dogs just lay on the damn thing during the day and mess it ...

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