Kitchen Island Part Two!

I didn't go to bed until 4 a.m. last night, mainly because I was just so excited about this project. Yes folks, that is how boring my life is when my husband is gone. I still haven't been called back about that job, which I am really sad about. I called back a couple days after my interview to express my interest further and see about how long I could expect to wait to know whether I got it.

Well, my interview was last Monday. When I called on Wednesday, the woman I spoke with said I should receive a call "in the next few days," and I haven't yet so I'm going to take that as I didn't get it. So, back to square one. I can't really put into words how disheartening this whole process is. Every company wants you to have experience but when you are fresh out of college, what do they expect? I know a lot of places expect you to have an internship. Well sorry world, but I did things a little differently and got married while I was still in college and I just can't work for free when we have bills and responsibilities to take care of.

Well there's my Me rant for this post.

I stopped by Lowes today while running an errand and picked out two different kinds of rolling casters to try on the table/island. I ended up decided on a stem caster, which if you don't know what that is (I just learned and like flaunting my new knowledge) it's the type of caster that has a grooved screw-like stem and goes into the leg, as opposed to the plate-type that just screw on to the bottom of the leg.

Attaching them was really easy, a lot easier than I expected. The directions on the back of the box were really clear and they were a little over $3 for a set of two. I love a good deal.

Before I set out to do any of that, I had to enjoy a little sunshine with my furbabies. It sucks that I can't use my DSLR and get better pictures, but the little point and shoot digital camera I've got isn't so bad.

Spring has definitely sprung down here and soon it will be miserably hot. I'm looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. On one hand, I love going to the beach and going boogie boarding. However, on the other hand, I need to lose 20-30lbs and haven't lost any yet... so there's the awful dread of putting on a swim suit for the first time. Hopefully I can start to lose a little bit of weight here soon. I'm trying to get back into the swing of healthier eating and an exercise routine.

That's my sweet Sammy. He's a handful but I love him to pieces!

Okay so back to the desk... sorry for the interlude =)

Before attaching the rolling casters, I applied a coat of polyurethane. It went on with a bit of a yellowish tint, which I didn't mind. However, if you were to use it and wanted a very specific look, be aware that polyurethane might change the color a bit.

So after that dried a little, I jumped right in.

Ahhhhh look at it. Just look at it. I was so giddy when I finished the first one. I even like the gold with all the wood.

As you can see, I decided to leave the legs the same color. Maybe one day I'll paint them a color but honestly when I stood back and looked at it, I like the way it looks. 

This is Annie, our garage cat who desperately wants to be our house cat. She was finally being still enough for me to get a good picture of her. She randomly showed up at our house one night and never left, so we (and by we, I mean me, since I have been feeding her) just sort of took her in. She's very sweet but apparently doesn't like having her picture taken.

I got all four of those bad boys on and felt like I had just accomplished something a lot more important that attaching rolling casters to a table. 

Pretty proud of my fine handiwork, I decided to let the table finish drying in the kitchen where I could bask in its glory.

As you can see from the pictures, the paint job is not perfect, and the poly coat is a bit splotchy in some areas. I don't care one bit. I like things to have that "handmade" quality. Who's perfect, anyway? 

It was still a bit wet, but I couldn't resist putting something on it.

My next mission is going to be to find stools to fit underneath and maybe figure out how to attach some sort of shelf. But for now, it's perfect. It's exactly what I wanted. It's the perfect height for me to use as a work space, too. 

I am soooo proud of this project! I can't wait for hubs to come home and see my handiwork!


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