Money "can't" buy happiness... plus update on the desk project!

... wrong.

Money can buy me a new Nikon DSLR, which would make me very, very happy. However, like most people, money is tight and we can't go running off dropping thousands of dollars on a camera. If I were in a full fledged business that depended upon me having a professional camera, that would be a different story. For now though, I'm going to do research on what my next camera should be.

I will admit, quietly, that I don't know much about cameras. I vaguely know how they work on the inside. I do, however, know how to make them work on the outside. In the past couple years I have been learning everything I can about how to take better pictures. Using natural light is my preferred method. I love the mood and beauty you can capture without all the glare of flash.

I don't know what kind of budget I'll have to work with when I finally buy myself a new camera. I do know that I won't be able to buy one until I get a job and save the money up myself. I refuse to take money away from the household, or my husband, for something like this. With that being said, it makes me even more sad because my job search is looking pretty bleak and depressing. Funny how the domino effect works... everything depends on something else to move it along.

So as I was saying, in the meantime, I'm going to be doing research on the camera that would best suit my needs. My first and current (broken) DSLR is a Nikon D80. I've had it for about six years now, and taken many thousands of pictures...

This picture was taken on the Fourth of July, right before my husband deployed to Afghanistan for the first time. We were still dating at the time. It reminds me a lot of how I felt knowing that the rest of my life would, from then on, be very different. That summer, and him leaving, was one of those life-defining moments, the kind you use as memory landmarks... everything became "before he left," or "after he left." In the seven months that he was gone, we both grew so much both in maturity and in our relationship. I wouldn't trade any of the sadness, worry, sleepless nights, empty bank accounts (care packages are NOT cheap!) or countless tears. For now though, he's home, safe and snoring beside me.

I smile every time I see this picture. I took it one summer several years ago, when I was still living at home. There had been a crazy electrical storm going on and I was sure if I sat outside long enough, I'd catch something. I'll never forget my dad telling me, "You'll never catch it, it's too fast." Not fast enough, apparently. ;)

My sweet nephew, Matthew. He's about 3 now, and the sweetest little boy. This picture brings such a smile to my face. No one can resist a cute baby!

Bittersweet. I think every person in my family has a copy of this picture of my grandmother laughing. It's the only picture I've ever seen of her truly laughing. I can still hear her now. I miss her and think of her often, and wish I'd had the chance to know her better before she passed. She'll always be my mawmaw. 


I actually took this picture with my 35mm Nikon N75, but what the heck. My blog my rules. It's one of my most favorite in a collection I took of pups up for adoption at the Humane Society in Charlotte. I was still in high school when I shot these. Whenever I see them, I wonder what ever became of those sweet babies.

Again, not shot with my Nikon D80, but with my father's Canon Rebel Ti. I shot it from the pier in Surf City, where my dad taught me to fish for the first time. It's always going to remind me of that day spent bonding with my mom and dad.

If you couldn't tell, my pictures are like my physical representations of memories that I never want to let go of. I cherish them. Making a business from this seems logical since I have always believed in following passion. I am less interested in the money and more interested in doing this for other people. Capturing sweet, precious memories in a beautiful way. Pictures they too will keep and cherish forever. I love the sound of that. Sounds like a good way to make a living, to me. 

I do have an update on my desk project!

I have the first coat of paint on! I found these super cheap and wonderful little Valspar samples that come in a decent sized container at Lowes... for only $2.99! Um, YES! I picked out "secluded garden." It's sort of a sea color. Sort of blue, sort of green. I applied the first coat very thin, because I'm not sure if I'm going to go with a beachy look, with the white primer showing in places, or not. I will definitely be adding some special touches that I will reveal when all is said and done - I'm very excited about it all, though! 

I will definitely be selling this desk, since we literally have no place for it anymore. I'm not sure where I'll list it or for how much - I'm thinking about $200 right now, but I want to check around and see what other people are selling and for how much before I list it. 

Also, I plan on doing a post or two on meal planning and how to make excel spreadsheets to keep track of grocery prices. My method has saved us a TON and is a great help when making a grocery list... 

Stay tuned!


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