Blizzards and Beginnings

As we enjoy the blizzard while we visit family in Ohio, I have lots of time to think about how I'm going to start this new business. I absolutely can't wait to get the ball rolling! As I think over all the ways I'm going to get this up off the ground, I'm doing my best to keep my camera on me at all times. Because of this, I had the opportunity over Christmas to shoot some Christmas pictures of my two-and-a-half month old niece, Myla.

She is an absolute doll! I couldn't get over how much of a cuddle-bug she is. Can't get enough of sweet baby lovins! Miss Myla certainly has quite a personality. She let us know in no uncertain terms when she was finished posing...

Poor girl!

We did the pictures in my mom and dad's living room, where natural light comes in at an odd, difficult-to-capture angle. Luckily, we had just opened Christmas presents and thrifty me decided to use the white cardboard shirt boxes as reflectors. It worked okay, but was hard to utilize because someone was always blocking them, or they weren't angling the light just right. But... when they worked, they really worked!

I am getting so excited about finally following through with a dream I've had for years... I am just praying and hoping that it all comes to fruition! Looking forward to new things this 2013!

Happy New Year!


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